Curaduría por Kris Kuramitsu
December 01, 2018 | May 31, 2019

New Suns: Curated by Kris Kuramitsu December 01, 2018 | May 31, 2019

Opening: Saturday, December 01, 2018, 8:00 pm

There is nothing new under the sun, but there are new suns. —Octavia E. Butler, epigram for unpublished work in progress, Parable of the Trickster.

Páramo is pleased to present New Suns—a group exhibition curated by Kris Kuramitsu with works by artists; Hangama Amiri (b. 1989), Jenny Gagalka (b. 1984), Sherin Guirguis (b. 1974), Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle (b. 1987), Nasim Hantehzadeh (b. 1988), Pearl C. Hsiung (b. 1973), Maria de los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez (b. 1992), Naomi Lisiki (b. 1990), Tomashi Jackson (b. 1980), Gabriella Sanchez (b. 1988), and Liat Yossifor (b. 1974).

New Suns is conceived as a two-chapter incomplete survey of recent paintings by artists who radically reimagine the formal and conceptual boundaries of the medium. Informed by the reemergence of genre-specific painting exhibitions, New Suns proposes that the work of this diverse, international group of women forms a constellation that is decentered and provides space for multiple subjectivities.

The artists included in the exhibition are all currently based on the East or West Coast of the United States but maintain strong roots in places all over the globe (Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Canada, Taiwan, Cuba, the French West Indies, and Israel, among others). They site their practices in the language of portraiture, landscape, abstraction, graphic design, sculpture, installation, and performance to give new insights into the language of painting in the 21st century. At the core of their investigations is a concern with the body, the politics of representation, and the spatial sensibilities of the pictorial plane. Drawing on fantasy, history, and memory, their formal compositions shape ideas about the world that challenge art historical narratives and technical approaches. The artists each craft independent vocabularies with their own gravitational pull that point toward possibilities that only they could imagine.

The exhibition opens with the work of eight artists and continues to grow and morph during the duration of its run—introducing other artists into the exhibition and thus shifting conversations that allow visitors to experience a wide-range of perspectives around the current status of painting.

New Suns marks the first presentation of many of these artists’s work in Mexico. The exhibition is curated by Los Angeles-based curator Kris Kuramitsu.

For further information, please contact: / +52 33 3825 0921.

Press enquiries: / +52 33 3825 0921.

Páramo would like to extend its gratitude to Tequila 1800 Cristalino and Cerveza Minerva for their collaborative support.

TAGS: #NewSuns #KrisKuramitsu #HangamaAmiri #JennyGagalka #SherinGuirguis #KenyattaACHinkle #NasimHantehzadeh #PearlCHsiung #MariadelosAngelesRodriguezJimenez #NaomiLisiki #TomashiJackson #GabriellaSanchez #LiatYossifor